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Auto Accident

Welcome to the Auto Accident section of our website. Many people who have been in a
motor vehicle accident don't know what to do or where to go. We are here to help!

If you, or someone you know, has been in a recent car accident, you need to get checked,
even if you are not experiencing pain. The jolt of an auto accident can cause things to shift
in your spine and you may not even be aware of it as this may not have any pain associated
with it. When the spine is out of alignment, the degeneration process speeds up and quite
often it is years later when the problem often shows up. The sooner these miss-alignments
can be detected and corrected, the better so that permanent damage does not set in.

Please give us a call to schedule an appointment for you and anyone else that may have been in your vehicle at the time of the accident. (503) 598-7652